Monday, September 26, 2005


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This pic sort of sums up the past weekend, positive scores in many ways. The boy's team did well, as this shot of him scoring shows. Daughter's team didn't fare so well, they were trounced by what seemed to be an army of mutant 7&8 year-olds fed nothing but genetically engineered hybrid corn and hormone-laced milk. These kids were giants, plain and simple, and the flatfooted Sonics were absolutely no match for them.

No matter. Once back home the party began in honor of our daughter and some cousins. Oh, Michigan State was on the TV, too. We had the house properly decorated with just the right touch of Spartan support (you know, flag, wind sock, grill cover, shirt on my back. . . ) Many of my B-I-Ls are UofM fans, so I needed to extend the proper hospitality to them of course. And the TV was readily available if they needed/wanted to check-in on the score of the Michigan/Wisconsin game (hint: they weren't happy campers.) But that's not important.

The kids all enjoyed themselves immensely; what with badminton, volleyball, rasslin', gamin', eatin', singin'- you get the idea. They did what cousins do: catch up with each other in their busy, 14-and-under lives, see their grandparents, eat cake-and-ice-cream-and-chips-and-dips-and-veggies-and-fruit-and-nuts-and-sodas-bubble-gum and if I could think of anything else I'd type that too! They burned off some pent-up energy as they last got together about 6 weeks ago, and reaffirmed the various bonds that develop as you grow-up separate but alongside family. Heck, they even drew names for Kris Kringles already. Could you get kids any more wound up? Too fun!

So- now that they're all fired-up- I'm skipping town on Monday for an overnight trip, and I won't have a Saturday night in my bed until October 22. I just hope they're good for Wifey, it's hard to lower the boom over the phone- especially when they're in a trance watching TV or playing a game.

Have a great week everybody. Set, then reach your goals!


jenbeauty said...

We gave up soccor 2 years ago. I love the pic...good action shot!

teri said...

We do all need our goals. I know that I need something to aim at, but I have a tendency to veer off a little however still working forward. I just don’t like to get so locked into a goal, that I forget about the journey.

Mike Todd said...

Goal #1: Leave a comment.

CozyMama said...

love the pic, good post. CHeck out mine.

Jim said...

JB- Not quite ready to give it up yet, altho this year I'm not coaching (I still bark commands for some reason.)
Storm- Thanks for the props, kind as always. (Still finding it hard to believe that's Courtney.)
Teri- Don't veer, sneer!
Mike- Baby steps, man. Baby steps. Ever been sailing?
Jodes-on my way. . .

Jaime said...

Sounds like a great weekend! For some reason I can't see the picture... I"ll have to check back later.