Saturday, October 09, 2004


Day 1- wtf? Figured "Y not? I'll give it a try." I was motivated by a VT-er's blog. She's got a thing for feet, a VT-er I'd like to meet. You get nowhere if you don't at least try it. Sounds like where I work, alotta people getting nowhere there. Just yesterday the Wizards at corporate decided to eliminate all order services at our regional warehouses and have it out at corporate (staffed by temps.) *Nice!* Their product has 2000 dealers, ours has 7000+. Their dealers might sell 75,000 units total, we're pushing 500,000 this year. When our dealers call, they often need help on parts lookups, etc., and sometimes the order services folks aren't sure so they can walk over to our division for better information. It's a long walk from the West coast to Michigan, so that (moving 'em all to the happy kingdom) won't work. That's just the tip of the iceberg as far as negative impacts on our Division's business goes. Doesn't feel very safe and comfy at the K- mart anymore.

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