Sorry, but Happyness is threatened
Awright, I'll be frank with ya. I'm pissed. You know my old friend, "C"? The one that took Bob's Mary, my Aunt, Sharon's Joe, Bart's Lois, Bill's Lois and Wifey's co-worker? Gol-danged junk is back. This time it's now dropped by to visit my friend's life. Started out as just a bump on his thumb, turns out to be osteosarcoma. What's worse, the diagnosis was confirmed just after Christmas and on top of that he and his wife were expecting their first baby at that time. All that promise during that time of year balled up into a wrenching ball of fear and unknown.
They had the baby yesterday, and Lord willing it will be home in a week (it's a bit of a preemie due to a run-in with gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsya.)
It's just hard to see him go through this. He's only had one treatment and it wiped him out for over a week. Give me the strength to put my fears and emotions aside and be there in any way they need.
These types of things are so sad. But they can also spur us on to kick it's ass. I do happen to believe if a person can fight it and stay in a good frame of mind, it makes a whole world of difference. Now, I'm not disillusioned, I know it's capabilities. But I do also believe in the power of prayer and positive thinking. We'll just hope and pray your friend finds calm assurance in the middle his storm. You are a good friend.
Babs, thanks a ton. He does have great attitude on his side, and a super wife as well. With the baby home now it is adding a bit of a stressful twist.
It's difficult to balance wanting to help lift any burden possible against not wanting to intrude. I think I'm just going to have to stick with unannounced "just stopping by" checkups.
You have a goodness about you, that is prevailing. Oh, I know you have your demons but you fight them. Now, listen to your instruction, as your words do help. You just might be an emissary and those check-ups are what the big guy wants.Tell me, I make sense to you?
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