To copy His Greatness,(aka Humorist Mike) I post today for your viewing pleasure a relic from my past. Back in tha' day when I was in college (hint: it's before the 90s) there was a local artist/pseudo-activist named Mark Heckman who created a series of sometimes humorous billboards promoting this cause or that. Often they were regarding serious issues like medical waste dumping, the result of which would wash-up on the nearby shores of Big Blue.
As this picture indicates, he's not really promoting a cause other than himself on this particular example. But OH MY! how ironic the choices he made must seem given today's history. The times, they really are a-changin'. . . .
(My apologies for the grainy, historic look to this picture. It was taken with a disk camera [Anybody remember those?] The film is about the size of a candy dot, so by the time you blow it up to viewable size you're at about a gazillion times magnification.)
Folks, it's going to be another quiet week from Jim (go ahead, enjoy the silence!) Got some travelling to do, hopefully it goes better than LAST week (NWA, get yer sh!t together RIGHT NOW!) Peace all, and maybe some prosperity too.
Dang, man. Thanks for the shout. "His Cluelessness" might be more apt, though. Bitchin' billboard as well.
i totally love the 80s, music - movies, it rocked
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