Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Funny Ideas from Mike

Mike's blog is a funny good time (Funny ha-ha?), and I'd like to borrow from his 'good friggin' picture' idea and share an image here and there. I make no promises for regularity (and I won't promise to share pictures weekly like Mike does, either.) I don't know any cool photogs like Mike does, but Shawna takes/makes some pretty cool pictures. So here they are, copyrighted as usual.

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No 'A' for originality here. You'd think my feet are stuck in cement. (Randi, is it 'cement' or 'concrete'? It seems I'm always using the wrong word.) Anyways, Grasshopper, please notice the varying colors of the water and the sky from one picture to the next. The first three pictures were taken all within a few hours. You might say it's one of those gee-whiz things about this great place we live, I guess. Or you might not. And since I haven't been fortunate enough to see a good episode of the northern lights, much less get a picture, these are gonna have to do!

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