Filming meme
Seen a good movie lately? I haven't been to the theater since, well, lets see...., I know I took the kids to see something last fall. What WAS it? (Another gift of the snowboarding concussion, worsening memory.)
Where was I? Oh, yeah! I was talking about movies. I know that Jason has been to see Star Wars: Episode III, but how about the rest of you out there? I especially say "tag" to Shandi, JL, Buffalo and Shaylen.
1. What was the last movie you went to see?
2. What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Did you see it at the theater, or was it a video/DVD?
3. What movie stands out in your mind as the one which made you cry the most?
4. What is the funniest movie you've seen? What was your favorite part or line from that movie?
5. Is there a movie which changed your opinion on something? What movie was it?
6. What is the worst movie you've ever paid to see at the theater?
7. Popcorn? Jujifruits? Licorice? Junior Mints? Nachos? or Raisinettes?
8. Have you ever been intimate with someone while watching a movie at the theater? What movie was it the last time? (Please don't say Schindler's List!) Are you still with this person?
9. Have you ever screamed while watching a movie or shouted at the screen? What did you say?
10. Name your favorite movie soundtrack. Can you remember the part of the movie where your favorite song is played?
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