Step One: Think Positive
Today's image is another oldie, a lovely Iris poking out from the bricks which formerly surrounded a pool in the backyard (may the beast rest in peace.)
Still a bit down about Michelle's passing, I thought I'd post this to symbolize something positive. I could get all poetic about humanity's struggle to overcome, how beauty shines through all the crap, blah, blah, blog! That's not it. I think I was just glad to see the sun shining brightly today. We had a terrific March, very warm, no snow, no storms, and then BAM! As soon as spring break was over it got brutally cold for the rest of April. There was a nice snowstorm over much of the state last weekend too, but thankfully it avoided my own private Idaho. Still, it was not even 40 degrees, and we had a good three days of nasty wind. You'da thunk this was Nebraska or sumthin'.
Not very convincing, am I? I agree, but hey, it's a start. Thinking back to Theodore Guisel's brilliant work, I'm going to borrow a line from 'Horton Hears a Who', then flip it and reverse it: A start's a start, no matter how small!
Take it or leave it, but if you take it, how's about, y'know, a little something for the effort?
That's about as naughty as I get, (well, OK. Not really......) So I will try my best to be on my bestest behavior from now on. Scout's honor!
Thanks for stopping by-
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