Thursday, May 20, 2010

What?! It's been over 2 years

What the heck happened?? I mean I know that with the promotion and all my attention was quite work-centered, but boy to lose touch like that.....

Okay.... here goes:

Friend update- Things back in '07 looked pretty good. The healing was progressing, and as of this date he has quite a bit of dexterity with the thinger now called his thumb. Of course, that was 2007. Fast forward to October 2009 and there's a spot on his chest x-ray (for cancer victims, or at least sarcoma victims, the chest becomes the barometer/litmus test for a recurrence.) Because his primary oncologist was in India for 3 weeks for a family wedding, the waiting began. And- because of insurance- the preference for care was here, rather than the University where all his care was delivered up to that point, the waiting continued. FOR SIX MONTHS! So, yeah, surgery was necessary and finally took place early April, and of course they took out a pickle-sized sarcoma that was resting on his aorta and the nerves leading to his larynx. The scary part was the surgeon stopping by and being surprised that he could still talk. I guess that nerve is very sensitive, so okay, miracle again.

The part where faith comes in is that the oncologists (as well as something called the "sarcoma board") all agree that no chemo/radiation will take place. This is due to the fact that evidently there are only 3 types they give for his type of cancer, and he had two of them during his original treatment so they don't feel trying it again would be effective/worth the cost to his health. They also feel that they got all of it, so for now there's no need to do radiation. So.....this means there's not much to do but wait and keep getting x-rays. To me, that would just suck.

Hey, Michigan's economy is in the crapper and I'm no stranger to that fact! Last October my sweet relationship with my employer came to an end (I really thought this would be the one!)
No worries, no worries! I'm a co-ed again. Took the plunge, going for total career change. Juuuust a little bit anxious as I walk that road, but that's me.

Jeez- the kids! They keep growing and growing. First blood is 15, working on getting the driver's license and now wears a size 15 shoe (hold the applause, please.) Number 2 can't wait to become a teenager, and aspires to be a fashion designer living in Paris. It's nice to have dreams.

Wifey still suffers from FM, I really wish she would take better care of herself and help keep it at bay. Surrendering to it and ignoring the depression is not working.

Lake Michigan is still the holiest water on Earth, although it is threatened by Asian Carp making their way from the Mississippi to Chicago. Sadly our President can't say no to his Chicago politicians and the most effective means of protecting the Great Lakes (closing the locks) is still off the table. So it's still in the hands of that crack staff at the Army Corps. of Engineers (the fine folks that put New Orleans under water.)

Still have a JetSki, but this one's SUPERCHARGED! Speed thrills. It just does.