Saturday, March 10, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Happy Day
It's been too long since a new post, so here's a weeks old picture of my good friend's li'l cherub.
That's Favorite Daughter holding him. I have a much better picture, but I'm not real keen on identifiable pics of my children on the internets. Now, don't go looking at me in the way you might look at Dan Akroyd in full "Sneakers" regalia; there's plenty of freaks out there and I'd prefer my kids don't meet them. You'll get over it, trust me.
Anyway, she was positively GIDDY at the experience of holding a real-live baby instead of one of her many many dolls. And that's notwithstanding the fact that, due to his pre-mature birth, he's smaller than many of her dolls. Or at least he was at the point this picture was taken. He's now putting away 4+ ounces each feeding, weighs over 7lbs and has grown an inch. Yup, he'll be palming a basketball any day now......
And just when we thought Winter was taking the year off, we go and have the 3rd snowiest February on record. . . sheesh! But I can't complain, I can't imagine what those poor folks in Oswego, NY must be doing with all their snow.
TTFN, and be safe. All of you~
Squeezed outtta the brain of:
at about, oh--
1:59 AM
1 scintillating utterences
Uniquely descriptive wordlets: Babies, children, paranoia- it'll destroy ya, snowy winter